AutoWCAG proposal call - meeting minutes

<Wilco> - On the agenda, what we need to get the framework to become a 
recommendation, Autowcag will writing a number of rules. Judy will talk to 
W3C, issue is to figure out requirements for the W3C recommendation.
List of participants , Deque, Daisy, Avneesh, not a 100% on SSB BART 
commitment,  IBM 
<Wilco> Process details in the document
Hoping to get started this year, sometime in the last 3 months. It will 
depend on the working group resolve issues.
<Avneesh> We will go bit aggressive
<Avneesh> the W3C timeline makes us worry
<Wilco> WCAG will need resources to work on the work.
<Avneesh> Many thing are still floating
<Wilco> last call out end of year 1, get a formal acceptance process, 
benchmark methodology to validate the rules, pull that either into a 
recommendation or as a separate note. ACT ruleset proof of concept, 3 
deliverables, Framework, Benchmark for accuracy of rules, rule suite. 
Looking at providing evidence for the recommendation.
<Wilco> Month 20 moving to candidate recommendation, month 25 we will have 
a public review of the rule suite. Iterative process to implement in a # 
of tools. Deque will implement in the AXE core and may be other 
corporations will implement as well. Validate and update the rules through 
2 or 3 iterations to get pass the benchmark. Documentation will follow and 
then go to the W3C approval process.
<Wilco> very viable plan. Any thoughts?
<Avneesh> we have 2 years left and so have to move aggressively, frame 
work looks within scope.
<Wico> how along do you think you can follow along? would month 25 be 
<Avneesh> epub timeline goes to 2018, after that it may be difficult
<Wilco> IBM? any resource concerns?
<Mary Jo> I think we are good, we juggle as we go.

<Ramone> The rule defines the context, set of assumptions of the 
environments and set of procedures and test. The requirement can be broken 
down into conditions.
<Wilco> what is a rule? In testing other terms are used, most commonly, 
earl uses test cases, so what is the difference
<Mary Jo> We have rules
<Charu> Rules checks conditions and test case validates the rules
<Mary Jo> Definition is in line with what we know and use.
Wilco> The difference is to distinguish the scenario, rule is generally 
applicable to all system, and the test case checks the specific for a 
Everyone is in agreement, so did a good job o n the definition.
<Wilco> thats it for today, W3C has to do some work, Shadi and Judy will 
keep pushing. On vacation the next 2 weeks. Next meeting the 4th of August 
for rules and AUTO WCAG proposal on the 11th.
<Wilco> Final thought?
<Charu> Good work on the proposal, upto W3C to move it forward.
<Moe> Question regarding the Github, is that final or looking for 
feedback. Should we open comment if we have  feedback?
<Wilco> Yes, i will have a pull request and you can post comments.
<Avneesh> this kind of work is important and we will contribute as much
<Wilco> Talking to Ramone, interesting work on ePub

Thanks and Best regards, 

Charu Pandhi
Consulting, Standards and Strategy
IBM Accessibility
Tel: (512) 286-6370, T/L 363 6370
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From:   Wilco Fiers <>
Date:   07/14/2016 08:26 AM
Subject:        Meeting telco system change

Hi everyone,
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Wilco Fiers - Senior Accessibility Engineer

Received on Thursday, 14 July 2016 14:55:02 UTC