Minutes for 18 September 2014 auto-WCAG call

Hello everyone,
Here are the minutes for this week's call.


Attendants: Annika, Kamyar, Wilco
Regrets: Hanno

1) Action items

- Annika is still working on 3.1.1 and 3.1.2
- Wilco is still working on 4.1.2

2) Availability of participants for the coming months

Discussed decision making and review. At least four participants should approve a test case before it can be accepted by the group. If during a review the reviewer approves the test case as they should describe this in the discussion page.

We agreed to create an availability roster. This roster goes four weeks into the future. Participants of the calls should give an indication of availability four weeks in advance. This is important so that reviews can be planned more efficiently. 

ACTION: Kamar: Create a page for users to indicate their availability for Thursday telcos

3) Planning and focus on automation

ACTION: Wilco: Create a schedule for test development. Expected to be able to review 2 or 3 tests each week.

4) Review criterion 3.1.1

Skipped item, Annika will update the pages in the coming week.

5) Review criterion 3.1.2

Skipped item, Annika will update the pages in the coming week.

6) Review criterion 3.2.3

Reviews the test case. Suggested not looking at all pages, but limiting the test to pages that are linked from the page that is tested. The test should be less ambiguous, and can be fully automated.

7) Final comments

A colleague of Annika will join the working group within the next two weeks.

Van: Wilco Fiers [w.fiers@accessibility.nl]
Verzonden: woensdag 17 september 2014 17:33
Aan: public-auto-wcag@w3.org
Onderwerp: Agenda for 18 September 2014 auto-WCAG call

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow 18th of September we will have another auto-wcag meeting. Join us on our IRC channel from 16:00 until 17:00 CET. Once there, I will ask for your Skype name so you can join the conversation.

The IRC channel is: irc://irc.w3.org:6665/#auto-wcag
If you do not have an IRC client you can use: http://irc.w3.org
Add me on Skype: wilco_fiers

1) Action items: https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Action_items
2) Availability of participants for the coming months
3) Planning and focus on automation
4) Review criterion 3.1.1 (https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/3.1.1_Language_of_Page)
5) Review criterion 3.1.2 (https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/3.1.2_Language_of_Parts)
6) Review criterion 3.2.3 (https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/3.2.3_Consistent_Navigation)
7) Final comments

Kind regards,

Wilco Fiers
Accessibility Foundation

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2014 16:02:04 UTC