Notes 30 October 2014 auto-WCAG call

Notes AUTO-WCAG 30th of October

Jesse: I've got a deadline tomorrow that I need to focus on, sorry!
Hanno will take notes
Annika will chair the meeting
Mathieu joined the team, he works for Tangaguru

1. action points
a. Write eGovMon tests for 3.2 - Annika  -no time previous week to write test for 3.2 
b. Do further research on methodology to check the relative order of links for SC 3.2.3.  - Kamyar: started, next week
c. title is acceptable for an alternative in HTML5 if there is no text at all in alt - Katie:  DONE, see mailing list

note Wilco: we should take reviewed items from the list
Annika: person reponsible for the test should be responsible for the workflow
Decision: test editors are responsible to change the status

2) Automating keyboard accessibility checks
John: 'Automating keyboard accessibility checks': more research needed, brainstorm?
Wilco: check for onclick attributes
Hanno: if a picker (datepicker) has a field alternative, it will pass. we can automate things with a probability
Wilco: clickable div's are certainly a fail
John: we can find some automatic failures
Mathieu: relying on onclick is not reliable, there are other listeners as well

Decision: John will start tests for keyboard accessibility, John wil send a document 
Event listeners will be on the agenda next week and mailing list

3) Review <>
4) Review <>

3.1.1 avoid failure overlap with other test another message
sc3-1-1-xml-lang if this pass, still the other test can fail, we need aggregation
A final step should always give an outcome
Annika: But the outcome is not necessary an outsome for the SC, only for the test
Kamyar: how do we aggregate?
Hanno: difference between return a pass and a fail coverage
Wilco: all failures should be covered
Annika: with additional manual checks you can pass
Kamyar: How do we aggregate a situation where a "success criterion is NOT completely covered"
Wico: that should be described on the wiki and generally should lead to a canttell

5) Review <>
Frank: couldnt find css selector, so javascript selector used
Annika: definition of surrounding text, we should have a programmatic defintion
Wilco: there is a wcag defintion for context in links
John: example I saw last week: empty cells in data table, with background image in the cell, it can be information, for example yellow or grey stars in the background image
Decision: John will find the actual case, so we can see if we can automate testing for it
Mathieu: we made some tests with images and use of colors
Mathieu: Loading all images of a website is processor consuming, costed 1 minute or more
Hanno: caching?
Wilco: +1, we can add a note that is it perfomance consuming
Annika: we should also add these tests even if they are undoable processorwise
Mathieu will send a link and we discuss this next week

6) Review <>
not dscussed

7) Final comments
Wilco: please take a look at the tests for review right now

Received on Thursday, 6 November 2014 12:23:26 UTC