Re: Regular Privacy and Security TF call

Hi All,

Sorry for late announcement. We reschedule the date of the meeting.

2nd time slot seems better to share idea about Server API security but  
Genivi's call will be held on the same time.


On 2016/06/20 14:23, Junichi Hashimoto wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to have a monthly security call around 28th.
> Could you show your participation possibility on the following doddle.
> Options:
> June 2016 Tue 28,
> - Tokyo16, London8, Boston3, Seattle0
> - Tokyo0(Wed), London16, Boston11 Seattle 8
> - Tokyo8(Wed), London0(Wed), Boston 19, Seattle16
> Agenda will contains
> - update on security & privacy note
> - service spec. security
> If you have any other item or schedule suggestions please let me know.
> Regards,
> Junichi
> On 2016/05/19 10:04, Junichi Hashimoto wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As Paul suggested in the Paris f2f, I think it's good time to start
>> a regular call for privacy & security topics. 4th Tuesday would be
>> better to align with other calls.
>> I would like to have the first one on next Tuesday(24th May). Let me
>> know your preference via Doodle. Also, any suggestions are welcome.
>> Ted,
>> Could you forward this mail to who would be interested?
>> Best regards,
>> Junichi

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Received on Monday, 27 June 2016 23:14:14 UTC