Discussion points of vehicle data privacy


# I'm sorry to miss recent two meetings.

We've had a workshop with my colleagues on privacy of vehicle data use 
cases and found followings as discussion points. I think it would be 
helpful for both implementers and developers if we notes some of them in 
the spec.

- Privacy of passengers
Driver will have agreed explicitly on exposing his data but his 
passengers may not.
To what extent should we care their privacy?

- Application management
Some applications belong to the car, other belong to user. Platform 
should support this situation.

- ID estimation
The driver or his family may be identifiable from their behavior without 
explicit ID information.

- Record of Geo location
Location record in a long period would be enough to identify him.

- Owner vs driver
Owner is not always the driver. (rent-a-car, car sharing).
Is IVI rebooting enough for protecting privacy?

- Labeled as a bad driver
Data collector monitor ones driving and would labels him as a bad driver.

What do you think of them?


Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2015 09:41:10 UTC