Re: Security & Privacy TF Charter

On Fri, 2015-06-19 at 19:35 +0900, Junichi Hashimoto wrote:
> Hi all,
> Our first task is to have a kickoff meeting to define the scope. 
> Because members have various opinion for what/when/how we proceed, it is 
> better to marshal arguments before the meeting.  I've put my draft in TF 
> wiki[1]. So please add your thought there and let's discuss in ML.
> Kevin:
> In the previous WG meeting, we already agree with that you provides use 
> cases.  Could you create a page and start writing them?  Some of them 
> might be out of scope of this TF but they are still important to define 
> what is not our scope.
> Ted:
> I couldn't find file-upload link in the wiki. Is it prohibited?  I'm 
> wondering how to share slides that Hirabayashi-san sent to me.

I enabled file upload.  Note the types of files permitted are
restricted.  You may need to convert slides from powerpoint for example
to pdf.

> [1]

That is a great start and wonder if that should be the main page for the

Ted Guild <>
W3C Systems Team

Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 15:30:31 UTC