
Dear Stakeholders (emails in BCC),

The Lead Translating Organization hereby notifies all stakeholders that W3C has announced a review period for the Candidate Authorized Translation of WCAG2.1 to Dutch. We have already hosted extensive preparatory work and discussions related to this translation:

This is step 5 for the publication of authorized W3C translations [1]. The review period is open from 22 February to 22 March 2024.

The CAT:

We call on all stakeholders to evaluate the Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT) and to send your comments using the dedicated mailing list set up for the review process.

Mailing list:<>

Mail archive:

Subscription to this list can be done by sending an e-mail, with the subject set to 'subscribe', to:<>

The mailing list and the archive are public. Anybody can send an e-mail to the list, apart from the fact that at the first send an anti-spam "ritual" has to be followed (via an acknowledgement e-mail).

We request commenters to use the following format when providing comments to the CAT:
- Location in document:
- Current text:
- Comment:
- Proposed text:

Kindest regards,

Eric Velleman

[1] Translation policy:

Dr. Eric M. Velleman | Professor (lector) Inclusive Digital Design & Engineering | HAN_University of Applied Sciences  | School of IT and Media Design | Center for IT and Media (CIM) | Address: Ruitenberglaan 26, 6826 CC Arnhem, Netherlands | PObox 5375, 6802 EJ Arnhem NL |  E:<> | Secretariat:<> |

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 14:30:01 UTC