Dutch Translation of WCAG2.1

Dear Eric, 

I hereby confirm that I have in fact reviewed the document, and that I consider it to be an accurate translation.

Kind regards,

Raph de Rooij
sr. policy officer on web accessibility and user centered design 
the digital government’s inclusion team

directorate-general for public administration (DGOO)
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) 
visiting address: Turfmarkt 147 | 2511 DP | The Hague | NL 
postal address: P.O. Box 20011 | 2500 EA | The Hague | NL

mobile: +31-6-21160652
e-mail: raph.rooij@minbzk.nl
website: www.government.nl/bzk

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Received on Thursday, 12 March 2020 09:46:20 UTC