Re: [Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Mar 4 9:00 am PST

Attendees: Michel Buffa, Jack Schaedler, Athanasios Malamos, Raymond Toy,
Christoph Guttandin, Chris Lilley, Ruth John


   - V1
      - CR and Rec Status
         - Testimonials
            - Raymond: We have 4 testimonials from members.  Are external
            are ok? I think there are two.
            - Chris: Yeah, that's fine.  6 should be ok.
            - Chris:  Chairs usually write something for the press release,
            attributed to the chairs.  Can Raymond write one?
            - Raymond: I'll have to ask Google first, but otherwise no
            - Raymond: When's the next date?
            - Chris: Probably in May.
         - 9 Outstanding issues
         - Please address the issues in the spec.
            - Raymond: Same list as before.  People just need to step up
            and do the reviews and fix the issues.
         - PRs
         - Please review the PRs
            - Ruth: How many reviewers do we have?  Who can review?
            - Raymond: About 5.  I'm not sure what the rules are for
            - Chris:  The chairs can set the rules.
            - Raymond: Cool.  I think anyone following along can review
            most PRs, but some of the more complicated ones need
specialized knowledge,
            so they should be reviewed by those people.
         - V2
      - priority-1 issues
      - Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
            - Raymond: Mostly waiting for Paul to agree this makes sense.
            I think it's important for Mozilla to say something before
we move forward.
         - Render capacity
         - Render quantum size
            - Raymond:  Updated the issue with the IDL.  Still needs lots
            of work to spec it out though.
            - Jack: Render size stuff looks generally really good to me.
         - Others?
      - AOB
      - Raymond: Will create a poll on when to have the F2F, probably in

On Wed, Mar 3, 2021 at 4:09 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.
> Meeting venue
> Agenda:
>    - V1
>       - CR and Rec Status
>          - Testimonials
>       - 9 Outstanding issues
>          - Please address the issues in the spec.
>       - PRs
>          - Please review the PRs
>       - V2
>       - priority-1 issues
>       <>
>       - Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
>          <>
>          - Render capacity
>          <>
>          - Render quantum size
>          <>
>          - Others?
>       - AOB

Received on Thursday, 4 March 2021 18:54:23 UTC