WG join in PR efforts of Web Audio API as W3C Recommendation

Dear Members of the Web Audio WG,

Many congrats on all your hard work in bringing Web Audio to PR.  Thank you to all who contributed to reviewing the press release and offered testimonials. We are excited to promote the work to the press and public. 

We will put out the press release on 17 June and will also promote it via social media. I know Chris mentioned it but I wanted to reiterate that we would welcome your PR departments to cross-promote in any way they like - whether alerting their press contacts or via social media (for eg: e’d be happy to share the release on embargo or suggest some tweets if that would be helpful). 

Especially for those who provided testimonials, but for any organization who is in the group, this may be a nice chance to highlight your hard work and this exciting technology.

Please do let us know. Thanks and congrats again!

Amy van der Hiel

Amy van der Hiel
W3C Media Relations Coordinator
32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA USA
email: amy@w3.org
phone: +16172535628
pronouns: she/her

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2021 18:07:40 UTC