F2F 2021 Minutes for Thu May 20

May 20Attendees

Philippe Milot, Jack Schaedler, Raymond Toy, Ruth John, Hongchan, Paul
Adenot, Christoph Guttandin, Michel Buffa, Matthew Paradis


   16:00-16:10 UTC (9:00-9:10 am PDT): Set up calls

   16:10-18:00 UTC (9:10-11:00 am PDT): Priority-2
   and others

      Issue 14: Real-time pitch adjustment

         Raymond: Any try out the phaze demo?

         Jack: I haven’t but tried a different one.

         Paul: It’s alright, but not super high quality.

         Jack: This makes sense to have it builtin because you have access
         to fast algorithms.

         Paul: Media element has this builtin so browsers have it already.
         Media element has a preserve pitch attribute.  Seems to be
geared towards

         Hongchan: Soundtrap uses Autotune (licensed)

         Paul: That’s cool.

         Jack: We have 3-4 different algorithms.  People really like these,
         even if it’s not the most spiffy method.  It would be nice to
have some
         open source version.

         Paul: Looked at phaze.  Pretty basic JS.  Takes 40% cpu on my mac.

         Hongchan: SIMD would help?

         Paul: Of course.

         Paul: Pitch adjustment has been requested several times over the
         years to stretch ABSN.

         Hongchan: Is processing node the right approach?

         Paul: Yeah, you add it to the graph and it’s pitch-shifted..

         Jack: I think this is higher priority than, say, hard-sync.

         Paul: Let’s say it’s a node with an input that outputs a
         time-stretched output.

         Hongchan: It’s pretty complicated this way.  It’s weird to have a
         separate time-stretch and preserve pitch node.

         Paul: Could add an attribute for this in ABSN.

         Jack: That would be a good start.

         Hongchan: But that doesn’t work with streaming.

         Paul: Does it need samples in the future?

         Raymond: Would you just have a delay, like the compressor does

         Paul:  Summary: Add attribute (preservePitch defaulting to false)
         to ABSN and add pitch-shifting node (as long as it doesn’t
change duration)?


            Here are the docs for the Elastique pitch/time shifter:

            • int CElastiqueProV3If::GetFramesNeeded ()

            Returns the required number of input samples for the upcoming
            processing block.

            This function has to be called before each processing step to
            assure correct input

            buffer sizes.

   virtual int CElastiqueProV3If::GetMaxFramesNeeded ( )


            returns the maximum number of frames needed based on the
            minimum combined factor

            passed on CreateInstance

         Jack: Some interesting points here re: buffering and latency if
         this were to be a pure audio/effect node

         Jack: Memory resident update to ABSN would also be super duper

         [Paul updates issue]

      Issue 41: Informing AudioWorklet if output is not connected?

         Raymond: No comments since TPAC, so ok with just closing this.

         Paul: Not high priority.

         Hongchan, Jack: Agree

         Raymond: Just lower priority.

         Paul: Done.

      Issue 16: Worker support for BaseAudioContext

         Raymond: I see that we now do [Exposed=Window]

         Paul: MediaStreams is discussing transferable streams, so we can
         have this in an AudioContext.  Most problems are gone.

         Hongchan: What’s the utility?

         Paul: A breakout box, and transferable media streams makes it work.

         Hongchan: We should link to that in the issue.

         Paul: I’ll find it and link it.

         Jack: I'm still reading through #16. #16 is a very good issue to

         Jack: I just want to signal boost :D

         Paul: We’re going to do it most likely.

         Jack: Excellent.

         Raymond: I think Hongchan did an experiment.

         Hongchan: Yeah, I did.  It didn’t work because we refer to
         document and such all over.  I stopped there.

      Issue 19: Customizable windowing function for Analyser node

         Raymond: So, 4 window types, but not clear if you can change it.

         Raymond: I prefer setting it in the constructor and not being
         changeable.  Create a new node if you want a new window.

         Ruth: Can't think of a use case where you would want to change

         Raymond: Makes it really simple to describe and spec.

         Paul: Any expectations on continuity if you change the window?

         Paul: What happens if we change fftsize?

         Raymond: Huh.  Don’t know

         Paul: Ah, everything is reset if the size changes.

         Raymond: Conclusion is to do as proposed and allow changing the
         window, which resets all state.

      Issue 20: ConvolverNode is limited to two channels

         Paul: Do we just say we want it?

         Raymond: Complicated because of the 4-channel matrixing
         operation.  We need to specify how it works.

         Paul: Interesting that Yotam uses 12 channels.

         Raymond: Hongchan’s omnitone does something similar

         Hongchan: 1st order ambisonics uses 8 channels which is split to 4
         stereo convolvers.

         Raymond: I think we should do it, but need to figure out how to
         specify this.

         Hongchan: We could add an option to specify this.

         Raymond: Works for me; just need to find the right name.

         [Raymond to update the issue]

      Issue 21: loadHRTFDatabase for SpatialPanner

         Raymond: Haven’t we discussed this already?

         Hongchan: This is about allowing custom databases.

         Raymond: Looks like it’s up to Matt. :-)  Want to make it work for
         the BBC at least.

         Matthew: I’ll look into it.

         Raymond: Ok.  We’ll wait for new info.

      Issue 25: Configurable sample rate conversion quality

         Paul: I stand by what I said last. But nothing more to contribute.

         Raymond: What about WaveShaper?

         Paul: What’s the benefit there?

         Raymond: Already specced to linear interp for the curve.

         Paul: Oversampling with linear doesn’t seem good.

         Raymond: Yeah. Linear interp for 4x oversampling isn’t good.
         Maybe it's better to have more points.

         Paul: We do sinc resample for ABSN.  Quite difficult to get right.

         Raymond: CHrome does linear.  Pretty awful if rate is far from 1.

         RAymond: I think it makes sense and we should do it, so all
         comments from TPAC are still true.

         Paul. Yeah.

         [Raymond to update issue]

      Issue 11: Storing AudioBuffers in native sample bit depth

         Paul: WebCodecs supports many bit depths.

         Raymond: Do we really want 4-bit DPCM.  Complicates things a lot.

         Paul: Makes sense not to have DPCM.

         Paul: We then have new Audiobuffer(webcodec audio).  Transfers the
         data to the AudioBuffer.  The WebCodec buffer is detached so it has 0

         Hongchan: Is this proposed?

         Paul: It’s basically agreed on by WebCodec, but spec may not be
         updated yet.  It’s useful.

         Hongchan: Is this priority-2?

         Paul: We get a lot of requests

         Hongchan: So priority-1?

         Paul: I’m ok with that.

         Raymond: Same, but think we want to make it more explicit so I can
         create an Audiobuffer with the desired depth.

         [Discussion on what this means and how to do it]

         [Raymond to update the issue]

Received on Thursday, 20 May 2021 18:48:48 UTC