Re: [Agenda] WG Telecon Thurs May 14, 9:00 am PDT

Attendees: Matt, Paul, Raymond


   - Briefly discussed privacy issues requested by Samuel Weller.
      - Ultrasonics <>
       and Fingerprinting
      - Deferred so we can talk to Chris Lilley about these issues.
   - V1 issues
      - Changelog id <>:
      trivial update to spec.  Non-normative.
      - Destination of request from addModule
      <>: Paul to
      follow up, since Firefox recently implemented this to enable
   - V1 PR
      - IIRFilterNode options
      <>: Raymond to
      finish review
      - V2 issues
      - Play samples with lower latency
      <>: Closed
      - in AudioWorkletGlobalScope:
      <>Makes sense
      and it should be exposed somehow.
   - AOB
      - Raymond to send out F2F meeting agenda before the next meeting.

See you all next week!

On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 2:43 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here is the standing agenda for our WG call.
>    - CR and updates on the privacy issues
>       - Issues to re-examine
>          -
>          -
>          - Triage any new/untriaged v1 issues.
>    - Continue to work through the v1 project board
>    - Look at new/untriaged v2 issues
>    - AOB.
> Meeting venue

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2020 17:31:35 UTC