Re: Status of bikeshed

I've added
with notes to make it easier to find this information.  Also added the
current output so you know what issues are currently in the bikeshed
version of the spec.

When you make changes, be sure to check the output against the list to make
sure you haven't introduced new warnings or errors.  Sorry it's so manual
right now.

I'll look into getting the preview working and also getting travis working
again (that might be a bit difficult since we have warnings and issues in
the current spec).

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 3:08 AM Paul Adenot <> wrote:

> Thanks Tab for bikeshed and all the help in doing the conversion, and also
> for those infos.
> We've had pr-preview in place for use with ReSpec, it's indeed quite a
> nice tool. Hopefully it still works with our bikeshed setup, I hear we have
> a couple errors still.
> Paul.
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 10:31 PM, Tab Atkins <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 1:21 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:
>>> The bikeshed version has been committed. (See
>>> Travis CI is basically ineffective now because there are errors with the
>>> current spec (some due to bokeshed).
>>> So you'll have to check manually to make sure an PRs work.  This also
>>> means you need a copy of bikeshed locally (probably).  See
>>> for details on how to use
>>> bikeshed.
>> No need to have it locally (tho that does make some things more
>> convenient). You can always use the network version, either via curl or an
>> HTML form, as documented at <
>> >.
>>> We will want to set up travis ci to generate the html version
>>> automatically.  Hopefully soon.
>> In addition to Travis automatically handling the build for you, you can
>> set up PR Preview <> to auto-generate
>> HTML versions from PRs.
>>> And finally, many thanks to Tab Atkins who volunteered to do the
>>> conversion for us and did practically the entire spec by himself.  I just
>>> cleaned up a few issues that would have been difficult for someone
>>> unfamiliar with the spec to know about.  Any problems with this version are
>>> all due to me.

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 17:36:52 UTC