Re: "maplike" changes

Hi Hongchan,

I agree that we do not absolutely require the maplike pattern for
properties -- what we require is something like
postMessage-without-Transferables (and we'd need it anyway, maplikes or

There was a secondary issue driving the maplikes, which was the inability
to override parameter or property getter methods in custom AWN subclasses
(since these are attached to AWN instances, not to any particular class).
However, I believe this issue is only relevant to properties -- it does not
make sense to me that someone would want to do this for AudioParams.

Back to your question: I think the best method/event signature for the
"lightweight data transfer" would be:

    void sendData (any data);
    attribute EventHandler     ondata;

I prefer `sendData` to `sendEvent` because we are not sending an event: we
are sending data, which *triggers* an event dispatched on the receiving
object. At least, that's my view so far!


.            .       .    .  . ...Joe

Joe Berkovitz
Noteflight LLC

+1 978 314 6271

49R Day Street
Somerville MA 02144

"Bring music to life"

On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 12:15 PM, Hongchan Choi <> wrote:

> Hello Joe,
> Please take a loot at this issue:
> WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/988
> I don't think we have reached to a consensus yet. Paul expressed the
> concern about the performance of the map-like pattern, and I agree with
> him. With the assumption we ditch the map-like pattern, another issue is
> the method signature of it: `sendEvent()` is good? or should we just follow
> `postMessage()` without the transferrable?
> Sorry I have not been pushing this hard, but I will get back to the
> discussion next week.
> Best,
> Hongchan
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:36 AM Joe Berkovitz <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is anyone working on adding the parameters/properties maplikes to the
>> spec for AWN/AWP, or can I take that on? It feels like an important piece
>> of the AW framework to fill in.
>> I probably would not get the IDL or ECMAScript pieces completely right
>> but I am sure there is plenty of expert help on tap!
>> .            .       .    .  . ...Joe
>> Joe Berkovitz
>> President
>> Noteflight LLC
>> +1 978 314 6271
>> 49R Day Street
>> Somerville MA 02144
>> USA
>> "Bring music to life"

Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 19:19:01 UTC