[agenda] Audio WG telcon Thurs 16 June 2016 12.00 EDT

Hi Group,

Our next call will be Thurs 16 June 2016 12.00 EDT.

Please note the WebEx details:


Unless there are any matters arising we plan to keep this meeting short to give people a chance to continue work on editing the Audio Worklet changes into the spec.

Agenda as follows

- Brief update on Audio Worklet status
- Any issues arising from members for discussion
- If available Explainer Document for Media Output (Action 131 - Jerry)
- Date of next meeting


Matt & Joe

Matthew Paradis
Senior Software Engineer (Audio),
BBC Research & Development
030304 09889 | matthew.paradis@bbc.co.uk | www.bbc.co.uk/rd/sound

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 14:30:51 UTC