F2F Agenda

Web Audio Working Group
F2F 7th/8th April 2016 
Georgia Tech, Atlanta

Thursday 7th April

09.00: Set up and find a coffee
09.30: Review Agenda & goals for the F2F
10.00: Audio Worker
11.00: Break
11.15: Issue resolution session 1
12.30: Lunch
13:30: Issue resolution session 2
15.30: Break
15:45: Issue resolution session 3
17.00: Close

Friday 8th April

09:00: Set up and find a coffee
09:30: Output Device Selection
11:00: Break
11:15: Audio working group re charter
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Web Midi update (Chris Wilson Dial in?)
15:00: Discussion of actions to be taken forward for recommendation process.
16:00: Close

Rooms are booked in the TSRB building at Georgia Tech (http://www.tsrb.gatech.edu/directions.html)
It’s about 3 blocks from the conference venue and 5 blocks from the conference hotel.
There is a free “Tech Trolley” shuttle that stops right in front of the building and also stops at the conference venue and right next to the hotel.

April 7th we have TSRB room 226.
April 8th we have TSRB room 222.

Both rooms should have projector and built in audio.

I will organise wifi logins for everyone. 

There is security at the front of this building, so hours are limited to regular business hours. During business hours, we just need to sign in/out as guests at the security desk.

Look forward to seeing you in Atlanta.



Matthew Paradis
Senior Software Engineer (Audio),
BBC Research & Development
030304 09889 | matthew.paradis@bbc.co.uk | www.bbc.co.uk/rd/sound

Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 10:22:18 UTC