[agenda] Audio WG teleconference, 2015-03-19

Dear All,

Our next teleconference will be Thursday 19th March 2015 at Noon Boston time.

Logistics and info about the meeting are, as usual:

The minutes of our last meeting are at:

Agenda for this call shall be:

* Date of next meeting
* Audio Worker Factory Proposal
* Issue 323 - setting the actual coefficients of the biquad filter (requested by rtoy)
* output devices are enumeration (requested by Bill H)

A scribe will be chosen at random from the call participants.


Matthew Paradis
Senior Software Engineer (Audio),
BBC Research & Development
030304 09889 | matthew.paradis@bbc.co.uk | www.bbc.co.uk/rd/sound

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 20:15:37 UTC