Re: audioContext doesn't progress on a specific windows 7 machine

public-audio is not the right venue for this issue, it is about the
Web Audio API specification.

You can try StackOverflow, or directly the mailing-list of the vendor
of a browser where you can reproduce the issue. If this browser is
Firefox, I'll be more than happy to help you on dev-media [0].



On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM, Yehonathan Sharvit <> wrote:
> Hello Guys,
> I have a very tough issue to share with you.
> On a specific Windows 7 machine, the audioContext doesn’t progress. It’s
> currentTime stays 0 forever.
> As a consequence, start/stop/onended do not work.
> Here is a js fiddle with the code of a reproduction of the bug.
> The code is very simple:
> c = new AudioContext;
> o = c.createOscillator();
> o.connect(c.destination);
> o.onended = function() {alert("done");};
> o.start();
> o.stop();
> o.stop(c.currentTime + 0.5);
> setTimeout(function () {
>     alert("elpased: " + c.currentTime);
> }, 1000);
> On the mentioned machine,
> 1. no sound is played
> 2. the alert with “done” never appears.
> 3. the elapsed time is: 0
> Has someone  an idea about what could cause this kind of issues?
> System Specifications:
> OS: Windows 7
> CPU: Intel Core i3-2350M 2.30GHZ - 64bits
> RAM: 4GB
> Thanks,
> Yehonathan;

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 17:16:03 UTC