Re: Running WebAudio code outside of a browser?

Hey Sebastian,

I think getting the community behind this and maintaining a standards
compliant nodejs version of WebAudio API would be something very useful and
powerful to have in the long run.

I will definitely try to spend some weekends trying work on unimplemented

I was wondering how we could get more people in the WebAudio community to
help out with implementing parts of this. Would breaking down features and
tagging them up something like 'up-for-grabs' (


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:10 PM, s p <> wrote:

> Hi Tristan,
> I've been working on this, with help from some other people :
> There is barely any node : ScriptProcessorNode, GainNode and
> BufferSourceNode. Samuel Goldszmidt started adding Oscillators and Delay
> nodes here :
> but he said it still needs some work.
> So you can use it, but keep in mind that it is really a work in
> progress!!! And also, I think the codebase is pretty clean, and documented,
> so if you feel like implementing more nodes :D
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Tristan Strange <
>> wrote:
>> Is there a JS engine that will let me do this?
>> Cheers,
>> Tristan
> --
> *Sébastien Piquemal*
>  -----* @sebpiq*
>  -----
>  -----

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 09:47:00 UTC