New behavior of ChannelMergerNode

Hello All,

I would like to ask WG opinions on issues on ChanngerMergerNode and suggest
the new behavior.

I believe ChannlerMergerNode was originally designed to merge audio streams
from multiple input which can be changed dynamically. As we all know, this
feature is causing two critical issues:

1) It is impossible to have a static mapping between input and output when
the input connection is changing dynamically. If any input channel changes,
the output channels will be rearranged in an unexpected manner.

2) In the spec, there is no mechanism for limiting the number of
input/output channel. So it is unclear about what should happen when the
merger node is in a cyclic graph. Although the merger inside of a cycle
does not make sense, it is possible to do.

And here is my thought/proposal to solve these problems:

The following properties are fixed for ChannelMergerNode and InvalidState
error should be thrown when user changes them:

ChannelMergerNode.channelCount = 1
ChannelMergerNode.channelCountMode = ‘explicit’

Changed behavior:
* Each input will be summed to mono based on the specified mixing rule.
* The summed mono channel from input will be transferred to the
corresponding output channel (input_0 -> output_channel_0). If an input is
not connected (inactive or disconnected), it still counts as one silent
channel in output.
* Note that the input to output channel mapping is fixed and won’t change
the order of output channels dynamically.

Any thought/feedback from WG appreciated.


Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 08:17:23 UTC