Dropping AudioBuffer in AudioProcessingEvent?


First off, the interface looks good to me. The wording related to 
ScriptProcessorNode and AudioProcessingEvent may need to be update 
though (e.g. in 2.15, AudioWorkerNodes should be mentioned).

Now to my question: Is now a good time to replace the AudioBuffer 
attributes in AudioProcessingEvent (inputBuffer, outputBuffer) with 
arrays of Float32Arrays? Or do we need to keep the AudioBuffer interface 
for some reason?


Den 2014-08-25 17:29, Chris Wilson skrev:
> I've done some tweaking to the Audio Worker (issue #113 
> <https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/113>) proposal, and 
> most significantly added the ability to create AudioParams on Audio 
> Workers (issue #134 
> <https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/134>).
> The fork is hosted on my fork 
> (http://cwilso.github.io/web-audio-api/).  Start here 
> <http://cwilso.github.io/web-audio-api/#widl-AudioContext-createAudioWorker-AudioWorkerNode-DOMString-scriptURL-unsigned-long-numberOfInputChannels-unsigned-long-numberOfOutputChannels> 
> to review the creation method, and the bulk of the text begins at 
> http://cwilso.github.io/web-audio-api/#the-audio-worker.

Marcus Geelnard
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2014 06:50:14 UTC