Re: DynamicsCompressorNode no automatic make up gain

I agree with Russell and the rest. The "fullRangeMakeupGain"/"Empirical/perceptual tuning" should have the ability to be turned off, for a very transparent compressor, the way a compressor was designed in the first place.

Because technically the DynamicsCompressorNode is not working as expected. If you ask any audio engineer; if you have sine wave of say -20dBFS with a threshold at -24dBFS and a ratio of 2:1, you should have an output of -22dBFS. This is not how the Node currently works. Even with a Threshold at 0 and a ratio of 1:1, it still increases the level a tiny bit.

I do agree with the fact that for most purposes, it does sound good this way, but it should in my opinion at least be possible to use the compressor the right way.

Best wishes,


Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 19:13:48 UTC