Re: Exposing a playbackPosition property on AudioBufferSourceNode

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:46 PM, K. Gadd <> wrote:

> The problem I'm describing is that since all time measurement and
arithmetic occurs on the main JS thread, JS can end up stalling due
> to something like a GC after it records currentTime or after...

Well, sort of.  If memory serves, GC won't fire in the middle of your
statement, so you don't need to worry about arbitrary GC firing (unless
you're caching the audioContext.currentTime in a global variable or some
other such craziness;  you'd only have to worry about grabbing the
audioContext.currentTime into a local var if you did something
computationally quite heavy before using it.  "Don't do that" is my flip
answer, of course :), but your point is taken.

currentTime is synchronized with the processing thread, at which point

any attempt to synchronize two playing tracks, or record the current
> playback position in order to pause playback, will fail because your
> clocks are out of sync. Resuming that paused track will play a snippet
> of audio the user already heard, and the synchronized tracks will be
> out of sync because of that clock drift (probably doubly so, because
> it's possible that the processing thread will get further ahead by the
> time it gets the command asking it to start playing the new
> synchronized track).

Yes, it's true, trying to manage playback with no latency while doing
computationally heavy things is going to potentially have issues.

> It's unfortunate to hear that start() starts 'when it can' at its
> initial start position, because that thoroughly breaks any attempt at
> synchronizing a currently playing track, unless you start it way in
> the future to be sure that the processing thread won't beat you to
> that time. I think the 'start when you can' behavior is great if no
> 'when' is specified for starting playback. I guess this means that any
> scenarios involving precise timing need to have commands issued to the
> AudioContext something like 250ms in advance, to ensure that the
> processing thread never gets ahead of you?

No, I think that's overestimating the problem.  You don't need to account
for all the latency possibly in the pipeline - the audioContext.currentTime
should already be set "ahead" for that - you only need to account for the
potential for the web audio thread to fire up and process a block while
you're doing something computationally heavy.  That's a much smaller
potential slippage - according to the defined block size of 128 in the
spec, that's around 3ms at 44.1kHz.  So, you could work ahead here simply
by scheduling everything >3ms in the future; that should mean that even if
you miss "this" web audio processing thread block, you'll catch the next
one.  You should not need 250ms additional; at most, if you're shooting to
have a 60fps web app you'd need your main UI thread "processing blocks"
(aka function calls) to all complete in under 16.7ms, so at absolute worst
you could schedule ahead by that...  (of course, now's when Raymond and the
Mozilla gang jump in and tell me how blocks are batched, and the potential
latency is larger.... my point is it's a fixed, relatively small amount,
not "entire audio pipeline latency from microphone to speaker" amount like

I take your point about the "start when you can" behavior vs scheduling as
close to the wire as possible - would we be better served here by cutting
off the first bit of a scheduled-in-the-past sound, or giving more info
about the latency/currentTime in order to let devs work around it?

> Both cases I describe are fairly simple race conditions, though, so I
> think they could be fixed - I just don't know exactly how you would do
> that with the API at present. Because we can't stall the processing
> thread until the JS thread is ready, it's inevitable that the
> AudioContext.currentTime value will get a bit behind the processing
> thread, even if it's somewhat rare. In scenarios with more GC pressure
> it seems likely that users might experience this with time gaps big
> enough to be noticeable.

I don't think GC pressure will cause any unpredictability here - GC only
happens when you've yielded on the main thread, so you'd have to be caching
that currentTime across yields (function calls fired from timeouts or
something) - which would be a bad idea.  Your function code is what could
cause this.  But again, if your code is running for a quarter-second at a
time, I think you are likely to have other problems.


Received on Friday, 28 February 2014 21:06:30 UTC