Re: Data racing proposals

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Chris Wilson <> wrote:

> I'm slightly confused, so let me expand a few examples.  I can see (at
> least) three cases:
> 1) I've assigned the .buffer [presume we're using your original
> semantics], then I call .getChannelData and postMessage the ArrayBuffer to
> a worker.  In this case, I think the assignment acquired the contents, but
> the .getChannelData copied the data, so the postMessaged data is complete
> but the AudioBuffer's ArrayBuffer got neutered.


2) I called .getChannelData and postMessage prior to assigning the .buffer.
>  In this case, I think the audio thread's acquire is called on a neutered
> ArrayBuffer, so it's empty and plays nothing.


> 3) I called .getChannelData, kept a reference to it, assigned the buffer,
> then tried to postMessage the ArrayBuffer I'd been holding on to.  In this
> case, I think the assignment neutered the reference, so the postMessage
> gets an empty array.  (I think this is the case you're referring to above.)


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waanndt  wyeonut  thoo mken.o w  *

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2013 02:17:58 UTC