Re: Decoding audio w/o an AudioContext object

Would the proposed OfflineContext help here?

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 5:27 PM, Marcus Geelnard <> wrote:

> Citerar Chris Wilson <>:
>  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Chris Rogers <>
>> wrote:
>>  On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Marcus Geelnard <>
>>> wrote:
>>>  An alternative could be to pass an optional resampleTo argument to
>>>> decodeAudioData() and createBuffer(), just as with mixToMono, to let the
>>>> developer decide which sounds to optimize for 1:1 playback.
>>> Yes, this could be possible as an optional argument.
>> That was my reaction - that we should add control over the resample as an
>> optional argument - but resampling should still be the default (i.e. it
>> should be a "dontResampleToContextRate" flag [and no, that was not a
>> proposed name]).  Otherwise, we're just going to cost perf in a large
>> number of scenarios.  You're not usually going to care about getting the
>> precise audio bits as much as you are going to care about getting good
>> sound quality and low performance impact.
> I agree. However, that does not solve the issue of decoding an audio asset
> without an AudioContext instance. So back to my original question:
> Given that decoding functionality can be useful without an audio context,
> would it make sense to change the interface or add a new similar interface
> that permits decoding audio files w/o an active audio context?
> If not, I'd go with your proposal of adding an optional boolean argument,
> since at least it would allow for 1:1 decoding even though you'd need to
> create a dummy audio context for accessing the functionality.
>  By the way, what is the use case for mixToMono, and why is it not
>> available
>>> as an argument to decodeAudioData().
>>> Yes, I know, the synchronous method is older and not consistent.  We
>>> might
>>> even consider removing it from the spec since async is better.
>> Heh.  You know, given that the two methods were named so differently, I
>> didn't even realize the synchronous equivalent to decodeAudioData() was
>> still in the spec.
>> +1 to removing the synchronous method (that is, removing the
>> createBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer, boolean mixToMono) call.)
> +1 on that too.
> /Marcus

Received on Friday, 17 August 2012 21:48:18 UTC