Re: Testing and Test Driver

On 19/07/2012 00:00, Doug Schepers wrote:
> Finally, in order to be a productive and effective group, we should all
> learn how to write tests for the Web Audio API, even if each of us makes
> only a few tests, or only simple ones. This will impress upon each of us
> the importance of testing, and more critically, will enable each of us
> to review tests.
> I propose that we have a initial training session with Philippe Le
> Hégaret, the W3C Interaction Domain Lead and head of testing, in how
> best to write tests for this spec, and how to integrate those tests into
> W3C's Test Harness; we can also have follow-ups periodically to help us
> all along, so we can get comfortable with testing and get us in the
> habit. Each of us should come to the table with basic Javascript skills
> beforehand, but I expect that everyone in the Audio WG already knows JS.

Great idea! It should be a really good way to get all the group thinking 
about tests and to begin the testing effort in earnest.

Timing this will be tricky - as whole-group activities often are. Doug, 
Philippe, I suggest we take it off-list to consider some options to take 
to the group.


Received on Friday, 20 July 2012 10:15:36 UTC