Interface naming conventions (was: Testing and Test Driver)

Den 2012-07-19 10:26:54 skrev Stuart Memo <>:

>> * I sincerely hope that several of the interfaces will change (method
>> names etc), which means that trivial interface tests are likely to have  
>> to be rewritten at least once.
> Probably a question for a separate thread, but what interfaces/method  
> names are you particularly unhappy with? Is this a concern shared by  
> others?

Granted, it's perhaps more of a personal reflection. However, we (Opera)  
have filed a few bugs on the subject before, and judging from discussions  
on the mailing list, others feel similarly from what I can tell. E.g.:

* (duplicated by






Marcus Geelnard
Core Graphics Developer
Opera Software ASA

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2012 13:46:59 UTC