Proposed tone and structure for public Use Cases & Requirements document

Hi Group,

As you may recall, we are planning to publish our use cases and requirements as a public working draft, with a view to eventually publish it as a WG Note.

In the past few weeks, I have been thinking about what the goals of this document were, so I could better adapt its tone and content. At this point, I believe the document really aims to:

• document a number of key applications of audio which Web Audio standards should enable,
• provide a basis for discussion on the desired architecture of Web Audio standards,
• offer examples for early uses of the technology, which can then be used to gather feedback on the draft standard, and
• extract technical and architectural requirements for the Web Audio APIs or libraries built upon it.

Accordingly, I have started tweaking the Editor's draft to better achieve these aims.

Can you have a look at the Scenario 1: Video Chat, and in particular the “Notes and Implementation Considerations” section? I think having a section pointing out specific requirements illustrated by the scenario may, at this point, be more useful than simply cross-referencing all the requirements covered somehow by the scenario. 

I'd like the group's opinion on this tone and direction before I move forward with the rest of the scenarios.


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 10:01:52 UTC