RE: MIDI web synth (was Re: MIDI proposal implemented)

I agree it is better, but there is still enough delay to make live playing
difficult... but perhaps that is the response time of the synth itself, I
don't know... if I could use the same interface to select an external synth
then I could isolate the software synth and determine the delay from the
- TW


From: Tom White (MMA) [] 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: MIDI web synth (was Re: MIDI proposal implemented)

I'll check it out sometime this week, and let you know if it performs
noticeably better for me...
- TW

Incidentally, I converted this demo over to use the Jazz MIDI plugin
(instead of the Java-based MIDIBridge), and latency seems better to me
(startup time is unnoticeable now).  Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be
able to build a Web MIDI API shim on top of Jazz, because it only seems to
support short messages (i.e. no system exclusive, and possibly no system
real-time either).  But for note and continuous controller support, it's
much more responsive.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Tom White (MMA) <> wrote:

FWIW, I tested this on my Thinkpad T420s (and Chrome 19.0.1084.52 m) and
there was obvious latency (compared to using the onscreen keys). 
(I didn't want Vilson's note to give you the sense that everything works
perfectly in the world <g>).
Tom White


From: Vilson Vieira [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 9:10 AM

Chris, awesome, tested with a Novation Launchpad in Mac and it worked
perfectly. I didn't perceived latency.


On May 31, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:

> I found a few spare moments to graft MIDIBridge on to Aike's Web Audio
synth.  Try it out at, check out the code at  Note that MIDIBridge can take a
few seconds to grab the MIDI device, so I put a popup dialog in to let you
know it's ready to go.

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 17:03:25 UTC