Re: MIDI web synth (was Re: MIDI proposal implemented)

Incidentally, I converted this demo over to use the Jazz MIDI plugin
(instead of the Java-based MIDIBridge), and latency seems better to me
(startup time is unnoticeable now).  Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be
able to build a Web MIDI API shim on top of Jazz, because it only seems to
support short messages (i.e. no system exclusive, and possibly no system
real-time either).  But for note and continuous controller support, it's
much more responsive.

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Tom White (MMA) <> wrote:

> **
> Chris,
> FWIW, I tested this on my Thinkpad T420s (and Chrome 19.0.1084.52 m) and
> there was obvious latency (compared to using the onscreen keys).
> (I didn't want Vilson's note to give you the sense that everything works
> perfectly in the world <g>).
> Tom White
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Vilson Vieira []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 06, 2012 9:10 AM
> *To:* Chris Wilson
> *Cc:* Peter Nyboer;
> *Subject:* Re: MIDI web synth (was Re: MIDI proposal implemented)
> Chris, awesome, tested with a Novation Launchpad in Mac and it worked
> perfectly. I didn't perceived latency.
> Cheers.
> 2012/5/31 Chris Wilson <>
>> Yes, that's correct.  It only grabs the first input (could change that to
>> grab all inputs, I suppose), and it currently only responds to note on/off
>> messages (the webaudiosynth demo didn't have a modulator controller) - and
>> in fact, it's a bit wonky in how it does that, since I was taking in to
>> account that the demo is a monosynth (only one note).
>> Related to that, I wanted to have the keys drawn as "down" on the screen,
>> but unfortunately webaudiosynth uses jQuery pretty heavily, and I need to
>> separate out the "play" method call and the drawing in a way that wasn't
>> trivial to do (again, because it's monosynth).
>> On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Peter Nyboer <>wrote:
>>> Oh, cool! I gave this a quick try.
>>> The popup appeared, but it didn't react to controls or notes from my
>>> controller.
>>> I sent from my Livid CNTRLR:
>>> notes 0-60 on channel 1
>>> ccs 1-32 and 48-59 ch 1
>>> Chrome Version 19.0.1084.52
>>> OSX 10.68
>>> However, I then figured that it was just attaching to the first input
>>> that it found, which in my case is "IAC Driver Bus 1". So I opened up
>>> Max/MSP 5 and used a random note generator to play the synth by sending
>>> notes to that port.
>>> Oh.
>>> Yeah.
>>> I then routed midi from my CNTRLR to the IAC bus, which of course worked.
>>> It seems that it only responds to notes and not CCs?
>>> Peter
>>> On May 31, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Chris Wilson wrote:
>>> > I found a few spare moments to graft MIDIBridge on to Aike's Web Audio
>>> synth.  Try it out at, check out the
>>> code at  Note that MIDIBridge
>>> can take a few seconds to grab the MIDI device, so I put a popup dialog in
>>> to let you know it's ready to go.
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Peter Nyboer <
>>>> wrote:
>>> > I just joined this list. I saw Chris Rogers preset the Web Audio API
>>> at Stanford's CCRMA a couple of weeks ago and was really blown away.
>>> > I'm quite interested in native MIDI support in a browser along with
>>> the Web Audio API. I'm not much of a web developer - I mostly do
>>> integration and programming for our MIDI Controllers (
>>> The ability to build music apps that
>>> work in a browser using our controllers is extremely appealing to me
>>> professionally and personally.
>>> > I've taken a look at some of the simple examples of the MIDI Bridge,
>>> and they are indeed promising. Are there any examples that use the MIDI
>>> Bridge in concert (pun intended) with the Web Audio API?
>>> > Let me know if there are things you'd like tested or commented on, and
>>> I'll try to follow this aspect of the spec. Hopefully I get some time to
>>> try coding some things that are interesting to me!
>>> >
>>> > Peter Nyboer
>>> > Livid Instruments
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
> --
> Vilson Vieira
> ((( )))
> ((( )))
> ((( )))

Received on Monday, 11 June 2012 18:09:10 UTC