Re: New draft WG charter

Hi, Olivier–

On 5/30/12 5:25 PM, olivier Thereaux wrote:
> Hello,
> As we were beginning our teleconference call today, Doug shared a
> first pass at our new draft charter:

I've now updated this.

> Please have a read and comment/suggest in the next few days.
> A few things we noted on the call:
> * It is no longer necessary to mention the incubator (since we are
>   re-chartering the existing WG)

Removed, and replaced with text about the two different specs and their 

> * The scope section should mention the goals of the MIDI work


> * The deliverables list should include the use cases and
> requirements doc


> * The expected milestones for the web audio API should be, per our
> latest discussions:
>  FPWD: Dec 2011
>  LC: Q4 2012
>  CR: Q2 2013
>  PR: Q4 2013
>  REC: Q4 2013


>   (which I guess changes the end date of the new charter?)

No, we typically recharter for 2 years at a time... so, the new end date 
will be 2 years after this charter is approved (which may take a month 
or so).

I've also included a few other small changes, including links to the old 
charter, and to the timelines on our wiki (which I took the liberty of 


Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 00:26:40 UTC