Re: New draft WG charter

Le 30/05/2012 23:25, olivier Thereaux a écrit :
> Hello,
> As we were beginning our teleconference call today, Doug shared a first pass at our new draft charter:
> Please have a read and comment/suggest in the next few days.
> A few things we noted on the call:
> * It is no longer necessary to mention the incubator (since we are re-chartering the existing WG)
> * The scope section should mention the goals of the MIDI work
> * The deliverables list should include the use cases and requirements doc

It already mentions it as other non-normative documents, in section 2.1

It currently lists "Test suites for each specification", but it should 
also say "implementation report".

> * The expected milestones for the web audio API should be, per our latest discussions:
> 	FPWD: Dec 2011
> 	LC: Q4 2012
> 	CR: Q2 2013
> 	PR: Q4 2013
> 	REC: Q4 2013

The expected milestones for the MIDI Device Communication API should 
also be extended.

The following Note mentions "initial schedule", but we should also 
mentions deliverable changes (this is why we are indeed requesting a 
charter renewal).

"Note: The group will document significant changes from this initial 
schedule on the group home page. "

I would say:

Note: The group will document significant changes from its initial 
charter [ adding here a link to the initial charter] on the group home 

>   (which I guess changes the end date of the new charter?)

Right. plus we need to include 6 months after Rec.

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 07:12:01 UTC