Re: [CANCELLATION] W3C Audio WG Teleconference, 9th May 2012

On 16 May 2012, at 21:36, Chris Wilson wrote:

> By contrast, I generally find group telecons to be an effective tool for keeping a rhythm going to a WG's work.


I very much agree with Robert's suggestion that we should use any appropriate modes of communication to discuss issues between individuals, and ad-hoc, focussed teleconferences are part of that toolbox, as are discussions on our IRC channel, mailing-lists, issue trackers and so on.

That said, our weekly group teleconferences have so far been the best way for us to keep a work rhythm, assign work among ourselves and reach group resolutions. I see no reason to stop holding them.


Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 08:39:25 UTC