Re: Audio-ISSUE-60 (addEventListener): AudioNode.addEventListener not defiend [Web Audio API]

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Olli Pettay <>wrote:

> On 05/15/2012 06:59 PM, Audio Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> Audio-ISSUE-60 (addEventListener): AudioNode.addEventListener not defiend
>> [Web Audio API]
>> Raised by: Philip Jägenstedt
>> On product: Web Audio API
>> It's not clear if addEventListener is supposed to be supported or not. If
>> it should be supported, the correct way is probably to inherit EventTarget
>> from DOM4:**raw-file/tip/Overview.html#**
>> interface-eventtarget<>
> Well, at least JavaScriptAudioNode must be EventTarget.
> Otherwise you can't dispatch audioprocess event to it.
> And once you can dispatch the event, AudioProcessingEvent.node is the same
> thing as .target. So, .node could be removed.
> Though, per the draft only onaudioprocess event handler is called with the
> event as
> parameter. That is unique way to use events in the web platform.

Hi Olli, sorry for the confusion here.  I think it would be better not to
use EventListener and EventTarget, but instead use a more simple Callback
approach.  This is something I've discussed a few months ago (offlist with
Dominic).  I hope we can clean this part up.


Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2012 20:06:37 UTC