Re: Audio-ISSUE-12 (Joe Berkovitz): Loop start/stop points [Web Audio API]

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Tony Ross <> wrote:

> Thanks Oliver.
> > From: Olivier Thereaux []
> > Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 11:00 AM
> > AFAIK there is one (or 2 depending on how you count) implementation(s)
> > of the API in browsers, but Chris was worried about the number of
> > content pages using the feature. I suspect many of those are demos.
> I suspect most existing content is already tied to a single implementation
> regardless since the WebKit version of the API is vendor-prefixed.

Yes, this is correct because the creation of the AudioContext is
vendor-prefixed in the WebKit implementation.  Anybody who updates their
content to work without the vendor-prefix can also upgrade to the start()
and stop() methods.  Those pages which never bother to update will only
work in WebKit which can rely on the older noteOn() and noteOff() methods
still working.


> -Tony

Received on Monday, 7 May 2012 18:33:45 UTC