- From: Olivier Thereaux <olivier.thereaux@bbc.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 07 Dec 2011 10:54:41 +0000
- To: public-webrtc@w3.org
- CC: public-audio@w3.org
- Message-ID: <4EDF45F1.5000402@bbc.co.uk>
Hello WebRTC WG, From the record of the joint session between WebRTC and Audio groups at TPAC, I see that our groups were to make sure the requirements from WebRTC are taken into account by the Audio WG: [[ The WebRTC WG will send requirements to the Audio WG to ensure they get properly addressed by the Audio WG. ]] -- http://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/Santa_Clara_F2F_Summary#Audio_WG Given the requirements document published here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-use-cases-and-requirements-06 My understanding is that the applicable requirements for the Audio WG are A8, A13, A14, A15 and A16, and that to a lesser extent F5, F6, F9, F13, F14 and F18 are also relevant (see below for expanded list). Could you confirm this is a reasonable assessment, and point out requirements which I may have forgotten but which the Audio WG should look at? On a side note, I would suggest systematically disambiguating the acronyms used in the use cases and requirements document. That would make reading and understanding easier for the non-initiated. Thank you, Olivier F5 The browser MUST be able to render good quality audio and video even in the presence of reasonable levels of jitter and packet losses. TBD: What is a reasonable level? ---------------------------------------------------------------- F6 The browser MUST be able to handle high loss and jitter levels in a graceful way. ---------------------------------------------------------------- F9 When there are both incoming and outgoing audio streams, echo cancellation MUST be made available to avoid disturbing echo during conversation. QUESTION: How much control should be left to the web application? ---------------------------------------------------------------- F13 The browser MUST be able to apply spatialization effects to audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- F14 The browser MUST be able to measure the level in audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- F15 The browser MUST be able to change the level in audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- F16 The browser MUST be able to render several concurrent video streams ---------------------------------------------------------------- F17 The browser MUST be able to mix several audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- F18 The browser MUST be able to process and mix sound objects (media that is retrieved from another source than the established media stream(s) with the peer(s) with audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A8 The Web API MUST provide means for the web application to mute/unmute a stream or stream component(s). When a stream is sent to a peer mute status must be preserved in the stream received by the peer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A13 The Web API MUST provide means for the web application to apply spatialization effects to audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A14 The Web API MUST provide means for the web application to detect the level in audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A15 The Web API MUST provide means for the web application to adjust the level in audio streams. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A16 The Web API MUST provide means for the web application to mix audio streams.
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Received on Wednesday, 7 December 2011 10:55:34 UTC