Fwd: generating sound with createJavaScriptNode in an emulator

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Grant Galitz <grantgalitz@gmail.com>
Date: 2011/5/22
Subject: Re: generating sound with createJavaScriptNode in an emulator
To: Antonio José Villena Godoy <_@antoniovillena.es>

Just create a function or lib of your own that does the sample generation
and then uses my lib to output them. I made the library as a base library
that other libraries can use and extend. For instance, I purposefully left
out a mixer capability, so that you have control over the mixing rather than
me. If you look inside my gameboy emu, you'll see I do additive mixing and
have audio do things like x frequency at y volume stay for z amount of time
(with freq. and volume sweeps, etc.). I purposefully let the developer have
control on his/her audio completely so that I do not restrict the
capabilities here, and so I don't have library bloat.

2011/5/22 Antonio José Villena Godoy <_@antoniovillena.es>

>  Hello Grant
>  I have read your code. It's a good library, I would like use in my
> emulator, now I am trying to understand how it works. My idea is extend your
> library to support 1-bit samples. That is, instead of write samples like:
> [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
> You can write a RLE (or code the length of pulses):
> [3, 5, 4]
> I think that would be quicker that resampling.
>  Regards
> El 22/05/11 1:11, Grant Galitz escribió:
>  Antonio: Have you tried using my XAudioJS library for your audio output,
>> since it also does the mozilla audio data api and not just web audio.
>> Also, you are welcome to help commit changes to it, since I feel like
>> we're always re-inventing the wheel here.
>> github: https://github.com/grantgalitz/XAudioJS
>> fyi, I just updated the readme to document some of the API, so people
>> won't have to look at the source to see how it exactly works. It does
>> things like resampling your audio to the hardware's sample rate for you
>> so you don't need to muck around with that. Simply put, it does an audio
>> buffer ring for web audio if you're wondering.
> --
>   ,       _            _       __   ___ _ _
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> /_/ \_\_||_\__\___/_||_|_\___/    \_/ |_|_|_\___|_||_\__,_|

Received on Sunday, 22 May 2011 17:55:07 UTC