Re: How to choose the optimal buffer length

   Hello Chris

   I put these alternatives:
1. Like now, programmer can choose between 256..16384 size buffers.
2. The same, but with a suggested buffer size (depends on machine) from 
the browser.
3. Like Flash, with an internal dynamical buffer and a fixed & small 
callback buffer (256 bytes for example).
4. A mix between 2 & 3:
4a. The programmer writes 7 differents onaudioprocess routines, one for 
each buffer length, and the browser dynamically call the optimal one.
4b. The programmer writes only a onaudioprocess routine, but with the 
buffer length in a parameter.


El 21/05/11 19:37, Chris Rogers escribió:
> Hi Antonio,
> You're right that the smallest working buffer size can vary depending on
> the type and speed of the machine, the type of browser, etc.  We have
> talked on this list about removing the buffer size argument from
> createJavaScriptNode() and instead letting the system choose the optimal
> buffer size automatically.  Optionally, we could provide a hint as to
> how tolerant we would be of glitching which could influence this choice.
>   I believe Flash has a different approach where they have an additional
> internal buffering which can dynamically increase even while the
> callback buffer size remains fixed and could be small.  The disadvantage
> to that approach is that the latency becomes unpredictable and can
> increase over time, for example during gameplay.  The advantage is that
> it's dynamically able to adapt to fix the glitching as it comes up and
> also let's the user pick a relatively small callback buffer size if
> that's convenient for them.
> It's clear we need something better than the current approach of simply
> picking a buffer size and hoping for the best.  I'm interested in
> hearing from people who have experience using the Flash API and their
> thoughts on the dynamically increasing internal buffering (with latency
> implications)...
> Cheers,
> Chris
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Received on Sunday, 22 May 2011 15:14:16 UTC