Re: generating sound with createJavaScriptNode in an emulator

   Hello Chris

   I run Windows 7 64bit, Chrome 13.0.761.0 dev-m, my netbook is a 
1005PR (Atom N450 processor, 2Gb RAM).

   I have made a tricky version, that is:
-Only one thread do all stuff, the emulation runs at 46fps (48000/1024)
-Only works well if sample rate is 48000Hz in your computer.

   And the result sounds well compared with the normal version. So 
probably (if I don't found any better idea for the implementation) I 
will do:
1. 46fps for 48000Hz at 1024 samples/buffer
2. 43fps for 44100Hz at 1024 samples/buffer
3. 43fps for 22050Hz at 2048 samples/buffer
4. Avoid any other sample rate.

Normal version:

Tricky version:

   Thank you for your help.

Note: I can't send to the mailing list, I thougt I was accepted. So 
click "reply all" like in the last message for do it public.

El 18/05/11 22:10, Chris Rogers escribió:
> Antonio, which platform are you running on?  I've very recently (as of
> yesterday) landed a patch to fix Grant's GameBoy problem on the Mac, but
> now we need to get it working on Windows...
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Received on Friday, 20 May 2011 06:57:00 UTC