Yes, pleeeeease!
For us this one of the most urgent issues...
> On 02 Mar 2016, at 20:02, Chris Wilson <> wrote:
> I *do* hear clicks, fwiw. I think this calls out we need the cancel-and-set-checkpoint ASAP.
>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Raymond Toy <> wrote:
>> -public-audio
>> +public-audio-dev
>> I don't hear any clicks.
>> But there are several things I see that might cause clicks.
>> gain.gain.value might not be exactly the value you expect because it's asynchronous with the audio thread that's doing the automation.
>> cancelScheduledValues doesn't (currently) hold the values so what happens after future events are cancelled may not have the value you expect.
>> depending on the state of the main thread and the audio thread, setValueAtTime(currentValue, now) may already be in the past from the view of the audio thread. That currently means setValueAtTime may not actually do anything, which means the linearRamp will start from the last automation value.
>>> On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 2:10 AM, Peter van der Noord <> wrote:
>>> I'm somewhat lost about the way AudioParams react to canceling/adjusting while they are currently in a transition. I can't figure out why this example results in clicks in the audio when repeatedly clicking the button:
>>> I don't see any reason why this should give me clicks, am i doing something wrong here?
>>> regards,
>>> Peter van der Noord