How to fade or fix impulse offset "artifacts" ( convolver node )


I am using the convolver node and the problem I am having is I don't know
how to remove the "linger" of the impulse after the file it's affecting has
stopped playing. I currently have a node graph configuration to blend a dry
and a wet version of the signal. my routing scheme is probably irrelevant
to the problem but  I figure it might have an ancillary benefit in
mentioning this information. My routing scheme is below. Everything
starting with the words *playSound* is a gain node.

      playSound->playSoundDryChan----------)-> playSoundMixed->destination

 I assume there is a way to create a fade to compensate for the linger
based on the size of the file its affecting. I am not even sure this way of
thinking about it is in line with the potential solutions.Hence if this is
a problem that someone already has a simple solution for.... feel free to
respond. Thank you.

Received on Sunday, 18 May 2014 15:08:21 UTC