Re: ScriptProcessorNode/JavaScriptNode iOS vs Android vs MAC OS ( Safari - Chrome)


I am attaching you my code. As I told you before it's working on:
Version 30.0.1599.66 for MAC
Version 29.0.1547.59 1547059 on Android 4.1.2
Version 6.0.5 for MAC

Not working on (I can't hear anything, I guess the onaudioprocess isn't

Mobile iOS iPad 4 / iPod Touch 5th     (iOS 6.1.2 - iOS 7)
Mobile Safari 7.0
Mobile Safari 6.0

I will raise the bug to bugzila in a moment!

Thank you!

PS: The glichtes on Android were because the buffer size were too small...
It's ok on Android now! :)

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Kaustubh Joshi <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you please raise bug in bugzilla of;
> also if possible please share you code so as to speed up further analysis.
> br,
> kdj
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Leonardo Martínez <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I will wait for more feedback from you! Thanks!
>> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 8:04 AM, Kaustubh Joshi <>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I think on android there is some glitch issue; some patches have been
>>> uploaded but not yet merged.
>>> On iOS need to check with webkit
>>> br,
>>> kdj
>>> On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Leonardo Martínez <>wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> The versions of Chrome that I am using are:
>>>> Version 30.0.1599.66 for MAC (works perfectly)
>>>> Version 29.0.1547.59 1547059 on Android 4.1.2 (lt26w, works but with
>>>> glitches)
>>>> Version 30.0.1599.16 on iOS 6.1.3, iPod Touch 5th (doesn't play any
>>>> sound, I guess the onaudioprocess is not being triggered)
>>>> Regards!
>>>> On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 6:33 AM, Kaustubh Joshi <>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Please let me know your chrome browser version.
>>>>> Type on tab space to get --> chrome://version
>>>>> br,
>>>>> kaustubh
>>>>> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Leonardo Martínez <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I have created an app in HTML 5 that generates white noise on its own
>>>>>> using a ScriptProcessorNode (Google Chrome) or a JavaScriptNode (Safari).
>>>>>> All is working fine for Google Chrome/Safari on my Mac and also in my
>>>>>> Android phone (not to mention that the performance is really bad on my
>>>>>> Xperia Acro S) but it is not working in Safari/Chrome on my iPod Touch 5th
>>>>>> on iOS 6.1.2.
>>>>>> The code is the following for initialization:
>>>>>> window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext ||
>>>>>> window.webkitAudioContext;
>>>>>> context = new AudioContext();
>>>>>> if(this.context.createScriptProcessor)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>     jsProcessor = context.createScriptProcessor(512, 0, 2);
>>>>>>     alert("Chrome Desktop/Android");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> else if(this.context.createJavaScriptNode)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>       jsProcessor= context.createJavaScriptNode(512,1,1);
>>>>>>       alert("Safari");
>>>>>>      //adding 1 to node input make it works only for Safari on MAC
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> else
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>     alert("No way");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> jsProcessor.onaudioprocess = generateWN;
>>>>>> gainNode = context.createGainNode();
>>>>>> jsProcessor.connect(gainNode);
>>>>>> gainNode.gain.value = 0.5;
>>>>>> I have a button on the screen that when it is touched the gainNode is
>>>>>> connected to context.destination or it's disconnected. I can see that
>>>>>> onaudioprocess event is not triggered on my iPod (iOS 6.1.2 Safari and
>>>>>> Chrome)...
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong? Is something different from Safari/Chrome on
>>>>>> iOS than for MAC that I am not considering?
>>>>>> I need to create sound samples on the fly... If this work I would add
>>>>>> a filter node to filter the white noise for generating other sounds as the
>>>>>> user wants.
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Leonardo.
>>>> --
>>>> Leonardo.
>> --
>> Leonardo.


Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 10:08:13 UTC