- From: Chris Wilson <cwilso@google.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 09:23:45 -0700
- To: Michael Weitnauer <weitnauer@irt.de>
- Cc: "public-audio-dev@w3.org" <public-audio-dev@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAJK2wqXiLttcThyONYyOftqLPCP4MV_gR9Gm5M3YVSzCnmj_mw@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Michael, You can obtain frequency domain data of an audio-rate signal with AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData(), as you understood; the array values you will receive back from that call are signal levels (in dB, if I recall correctly) of each frequency band (the frequencyBinCount frequency bands are spread linearly across the frequency spectrum, from 0...Nyquist frequency of the current AudioContext). The phase components are not accessible, though, I believe - the AnalyserNode is really designed to be a visualizer (and great debugging tool!), not a general-purpose FTT. WaveTable *is* intended for use with the OscillatorNode. You can't quite use it as a general-purpose IFFT, except in some fairly restricted circumstances. In short, it seems like you'll need your own FFT/IFFT, unless you want to think through what signal processing you're trying to do and construct it as AudioNodes. (This can be quite powerful, depending on what you're trying to do; for example, my Web Audio Vocoder<http://webaudiovocoder.appspot.com/>does not use any direct JavaScript audio processing at all.) On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:34 AM, Michael Weitnauer <weitnauer@irt.de> wrote: > Hi all, > > I wonder whether there is (or maybe will be) the possibility to conduct a > FFT and an IFFT with the Web Audio API. As far as I understood from the > Working Draft, it's somehow possible to get some frequency domain data via > the* getFloatFrequencyData() *method of the AnalyserNode. But it's not > clear to me, which kind of data I would receive from this method. The > Working Draft is - at least to me - not clear in this point. By using a > WaveTableNode, it might be possible to conduct an IFFT, but this feature > seems to be limited for the usage along with an OscillatorNode. > > My intention is to conduct some signal processing (in real-time) with the > Web Audio API and for that I need buffers with complex values in the > frequency domain. > > I would love to read some answers. Thanks anyway for you help, > Michael > > --------------------------------------------------------- > Michael Weitnauer > Production Systems Audio > > Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH (IRT) > R&D Institute of ARD, ZDF, DRadio, ORF and SRG/SSR > Floriansmuehlstr. 60, D-80939 Muenchen, Germany > > Email: weitnauer@irt.de > Web: http://www.irt.de > Phone: +49 89 32399-387 > > > Managing director: Dr. Klaus Illgner-Fehns > Registration court: Munich Commercial, Register No. B 5191 > >
Received on Friday, 22 March 2013 16:24:14 UTC