FW: WG demos reminder

I'm not completely sure if this applies to CGs but I suspect it would, if anyone had a demo to give (maybe me?!)


On 07/09/2020, 10:40, "Dominique Hazael-Massieux" <dom@w3.org> wrote:

    Le 19/08/2020 à 14:15, Dominique Hazael-Massieux a écrit :
    > As you consider this possibility, Marie-Claire and I are also interested
    > in getting short technical demos of the some of the latest developments
    > in your groups that would be shared as part of TPAC and may also serve
    > as pre-watching material for some of the TPAC breakouts.
    > Similar to past years [1], if someone in your group is willing to give
    > (and in this case, record) such a demo, please contact us with the name
    > of the volunteer, a proposed title of the demo and ideally a description
    > of what the demo will be about.
    A gentle reminder to contact Marie-Claire and me if you want any of your
    group's latest technical development highlighted during the virtual TPAC.

Received on Monday, 7 September 2020 09:43:44 UTC