Re: [Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Jun 10, 9:00 am PDT

Attendees:  Philippe Milot, Jack Schedler, Jeff Switzer, Michel Buffa,
Raymond Toy, Christoph Guttandin, Chris Lilley


   - Admin
      - Recommendation status
         - Michel: Should be announced Jun 16-17?
         - Chris: Will be published next Thu.  No objections from anyone.
         Apple never responded.
      - W3C Note for Audio EQ Cookbook
         - Chris: Officially published
         - Raymond: A few minor tweaks I'd like to make since there's a ToC
         and there's a rendering issue where dBgain overlaps the
description text.
         - Raymond: I showed Robert Bristow-Johnson and he mentioned the
         text after the highshelf equations should be separated out somehow.
         - Chris: We should try to update.  How do we manage the multiple
         - Raymond: Wouldn't it be done like recommendations?
         - Raymond: Not sure about the process
         - [Raymond and Chris to discuss offline]
      - Candidate additions example
         - [Raymond points out the PR for an example]
      - V1
      - New issues
         - Changes Since Proposed Rec of 6 May 2021
            - Chris: Need to update the spec.
         - Current issues <>
         - Bikeshed failures
         <> blocks any
         spec updates

         - V2
      - New issues
         - ChannelCount for source nodes
            - Raymond: People get confused with this for source nodes
            thinking it controls the output when it's actually for the input.
            - Raymond: Propose just adding some text saying it's not used
            for source nodes.
            - Jack:  +1 to clarifying that. Seems like a great addition
         - DeconvolverNode
            - Raymond: Should we just close the issue?
            - Raymond: Do any DAWs do this?
            - Jack: Probably not.  Great in theory, but not so good in
            practice.  Best handled by a worklet.
            - Jack: For offline use, he can use a worklet to do what he
            - Raymond: Yeah, if it's offline, he doesn't need a worklet.
            - Jack: Could just load up any fancy c++ code to do it.
            - [Raymond to update issue and close it]
         - 16 Priority-1 issues
         - Render capacity
         - Render quantum size
            - Raymond: Please review the explainer to make sure it has the
            things you want.

See y'all next week!

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 7:54 AM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.
> Meeting venue
> Agenda:
>    - Admin
>       - Recommendation status
>       - W3C Note for Audio EQ Cookbook
>       - Candidate additions example
>       <>
>    - V1
>       - New issues
>          - Changes Since Proposed Rec of 6 May 2021
>          <>
>       - Current issues <>
>          - Bikeshed failures
>          <> blocks
>          any spec updates
>          - V2
>       - New issues
>          - ChannelCount for source nodes
>          <>
>          - DeconvolverNode
>          <>
>       - 16 Priority-1 issues
>       <>
>          - Render capacity
>          <>
>          - Render quantum size
>          <>
>          - Others?
>       - AOB

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2021 16:42:37 UTC