Re: [Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Jan 7 9:00 am PST

Attendees: Hongchan Choi, Jeff Switzer, Athanasio Malamos, Paul Adenot,
Raymond Toy, Ruth John


   - New Patent Policy
   <> for WebAudio
      - Royalty-free licensing for all group members
      - Disclose essential claims if requested
      - Ask a lawyer if you're not sure.
   - V1
      - CR Status
         - Chris Lilley not here, so nothing to do.
      - New Issues
         - Request to Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
         - Raymond: What do they really want?
            - Paul, Hongchan: Just need a way to hold audio
            - Paul: Say, you get an mp3 in 16-bit interleaved.  That needs
            to be converted to AudioBuffer float/planar, and then
converted back
            eventually to convert back to mp3, say.
            - Paul: No way to do that now; moving to v2.
            - Hongchan: Good point
            - Raymond: Still want to know the use case and whether
            AudioBuffer is appropriate.  Could there be something better suited?
            - Paul: I'll also talk to Chris Cunningham in the next webcodec
         - Inconsistencies with "control thread state"
         - Raymond: Opened in Dec, but we didn't discuss it.
            - Raymond: I think it's basically right and we just need to
            review the uses and make it consistent.
            - Paul: Yes.
         - Outstanding issues
         - ABSN.start control messages
            - Raymond: PR ready to clarify what this is trying to do: ABSN
            can resume a paused context.
            - Paul: I'll add myself as a reviewer
         - Invoking JS in the rendering loop needs a bunch of setup that
         doesn't seem to be in the spec
         <> and
         between event-loop of AudioWorkletGlobalScope and rendering loop
         - Paul: Still in progress.  Explains when onmessage and process
            gets called.
            - Paul: Depending on the back end and computer, you can have
            various results.
         - PRs
         - Fix #2248: Clean up ABSN start algorithm
         - Fix #2281: CR 2020-12-15
         - V2
      - New  issues
         - Should 'Atomics.wait' be available in AudioWorklets associated
         with an OfflineAudioContext?
         - Paul: Nice to keep them the same.
            - Raymond: I agree
            - Raymond: Could suspend/resume work?
            - Hongchan: Probably doesn't work for their use case.
            - Raymond: Conclusion: Won't do it?
            - Paul: Yes.
            - [Paul to update issue]
         - Alternatives for module loading of AudioWorklet
         - Paul: This is really a worklet problem and more specifically a
            script loading problem.
            - Paul: Github sets CSP so you can't run things in the console.
            - Hongchan: What is hte alternative here? Blobs?
            - Paul: I think I do this a lot
            - Hongchan: This is CSP specific.  It should work if he runs
            this on his own server.
            - [Paul to comment]
            - Hongchan: We're not the right people; it should be handled by
         - Issues
         - NoiseGenerator
         <>: Updates
         on using bigint
            - Paul: No updates
         - priority-1 issues
         - Select audio device
         <>, get
         device change notification, audio config
            - Raymond: We ended the last meeting with what happens when
            devices are plugged or unplugged
            - Raymond: Seems application-specific
            - Hongchan: Do we want to expose and implement this?
            - Paul: We could provide events on things changing so
            developers can decide what to do.
            - [Raymond to  update issue]
         - Headphone detection
         - Hongchan: See issue for more details.
            - Raymond: We used to have other things we wanted.  Can we add
            that now.
            - Hongchan: Perhaps it was audio output?
            - Raymond: Maybe; don't remember
         - API proposal to preemptively determine audio thread overload (to
         avoid audio glitching)
         - Paul: Using Firefox's tools, sometimes I can see the CPU is ok,
            but peaks every 3rd render.
            - Raymond: That's a problem we we return the usage of each
            render.  The user could just miss all the bad spots, so
you think ithere's
            still CPU but sounds crappy.
            - Paul: That happens quite frequently.
            - Honghchan: I was thinking of returning what chromes devtool
            - Raymond: But that's already smoothed.
            - Raymond: What's really important is the peak
            - Paul: Yes, like a vumeter
            - Honghchan: Right.  We'll need some way of resetting the peak
            - Hongchan: Is 4 buckets enough?
            - Raymond: I think that's too coarse. There's a big difference
            between 3/4 and 1.  Perhaps 10 buckets?  If you're at 90%
that's close
            enough to 100% that you need to be careful
            - [Times up]
            - [Honghan to update issue]

See y'all next week!

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 3:35 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting, the first of the new year!
> Meeting venue
> Agenda:
>    - New Patent Policy
>    <> for WebAudio
>       - Royalty-free licensing for all group members
>       - Disclose essential claims if requested
>       - Ask a lawyer if you're not sure.
>    - V1
>       - CR Status
>       - New Issues
>          - Request to Expose AudioBuffer to DedicatedWorker
>          <>
>          - Inconsistencies with "control thread state"
>          <>
>          - Outstanding issues
>          - ABSN.start control messages
>          <>
>          - Invoking JS in the rendering loop needs a bunch of setup that
>          doesn't seem to be in the spec
>          <> and Integration
>          between event-loop of AudioWorkletGlobalScope and rendering loop
>          <>
>          - PRs
>          - Fix #2248: Clean up ABSN start algorithm
>          <>
>          - Fix #2281: CR 2020-12-15
>          <>
>          - V2
>       - New  issues
>          - Should 'Atomics.wait' be available in AudioWorklets associated
>          with an OfflineAudioContext?
>          <>
>          - Alternatives for module loading of AudioWorklet
>          <>
>          - Issues
>          - NoiseGenerator
>          <>: Updates
>          on using bigint
>       - priority-1 issues
>       <>
>          - Select audio device
>          <>, get
>          device change notification, audio config
>          - Others?
>       - priority-2  issues
>       <>
>          - PRs
>          - Bikeshed boilerplate
>          <>
>       - AOB

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2021 18:21:13 UTC