Re: [Agenda] WG/CG Telecon Thurs Nov 5, 9:00 am PST

Attendees:  Paul Adenot, Christoph Guttandin, Raymond Toy, Jeff Switzer


   - V1
      - New issues
      - WebAudio Worklets are broken
            - Jeff: Seems like a stackoverflow question
            - Paul: Yeah.  You should be able to transfer the buffer
            - Jeff: If I had time I could write a small demo either showing
            the problem or a solution
            - Raymond: An example is always nice to show how things can be
            done nicely.
            - Raymond: Have you tried to get a large buffer into a worklet?
            - Jeff: I haven't but I'll try to write something later if
            - Paul: I have an example....[works on example]
         - AudioWorkletProcessor makes false assumptions
            - Raymond: Everyone using WASM must have this problem. I assume
            they solve this.
            - Jeff: [Gives possible solution in the issue]
            - Raymond: Way too late for adding an API to suspend/resume a
            - Jeff:  They could create their own class to handle this
            - Raymond: But that's just a more complicated way of writing an
            if statement
            - Jeff: Yes.
            - [Raymond updates the issue]
         - Is AudioWorkletProcessor supposed to be stateless?
            - Raymond: I think we do really want to allow state despite
            what the worklet spec says.
            - Christoph: What is the resolution?
            - Paul: He's reading the TR.  Need to look at the editor's draft
            - Raymond: Heh.  Yeah, it explicitly allows WebAudio to have
            - [Paul updates issue]
         - Status of outstanding issues that we should fix for v1.
         - Frozen arrays for AudioWorklet
            - Raymond: Almost everything is in place; ask for final review
         - ABSN.start control messages
            - Raymond: I think Paul said he look at it, since I'm confused
            on what we want.
         - Any others?
            - Raymond: There are others;  just waiting for people to have
            time to do them.
         - Open PRs to be reviewed
         - ABSN extrapolation
            - Raymond: Karl replied and I'm happy with his suggestions;
            I'll update it soon.
         - V2
      - New issues
         - Interaction between audio elements and WebAudio
            - Christoph: Summarizes the issue
            - Paul: CaptureStream is not supposed to mute audio.  Firefox
            is still prefixed since it's not aligned.
            - Paul: But MediaElement is supposed to mute the audio.
            - Christoph: If you inspect the mute property, is it muted?
            - Paul: Whatever the spec says.
            - Paul: See
            - Christoph: I'll summarize and add it to the issue later today

Thanks everyone; we'll see y'all next week!

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 4:24 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> Here's the agenda for our WG/CG meeting.
> Meeting venue
> Agenda:
>    - V1
>       - New issues
>       <>
>       - WebAudio Worklets are broken
>          <>
>          - AudioWorkletProcessor makes false assumptions
>          <>
>          - Is AudioWorkletProcessor supposed to be stateless?
>          <>
>       - Status of outstanding issues that we should fix for v1.
>          - Frozen arrays for AudioWorklet
>          <>
>          - ABSN.start control messages
>          <>
>          - Any others?
>       - Open PRs to be reviewed
>          - ABSN extrapolation
>          <>
>       - V2
>       - New comments
>          - NoiseGenerator
>          <>
>          - Remove compileStreaming
>          <>
>          - AudioBuffers in native bit depth
>          <>
>       - priority-1 issues
>       <>
>          - Select audio device
>          <>, get
>          device change notification, audio config
>          - Use WASM more efficiently (BYOB)
>          <>
>          - Inspect CPU usage
>          <>
>          - Render block size
>          <>
>          - Others
>       - PRs
>          - Bikeshed boilerplate
>          <>
>       - AOB

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2020 18:05:21 UTC