Re: CG Meeting, Thu, Mar 5, 2020, 9:00 am PST

Attendees: Jack S., Paul, Chris G., Raymond, and two others I can't remember


   - Just a quick mention of rechartering and the change to evaluate low
   level access again.
      - But a side-effect is that PRs are rejected by the bots now. Paul
      investigating on how to fix this.
   - A quick side conversation on WebMIDI
      - Mozilla is still interested in doing this, probably without sysex.
      Jack mentioned lack of sysex is not a showstopper.
      - There's a new MIDI v2 spec.  It's 1000 pages long.
   - New V2 issues from last CG:
      - We'll probably add new filter types to support Q for lowshelf and
      highshelf filters
      - WebCodecs <>
      moving along well and no blockers yet.
      - Paul to add a follow up to recent comments on AudioContext on
      Workers <>
   - Low level audio access
      - Just reiterated that we're looking for new use cases to help shape
      this API.
   - F2F meeting
      - International travel is pretty much banned for Google and Mozilla.
      (No info from Matt.)
      - Raymond to propose a new schedule for doing the meeting as a video
      conference spread over about two weeks due to the timezone differences.
      Needs to be decided by early May just in case travel is allowed again.
   - Meeting adjourned.

Next CG meeting will be Apr 2.

Next week's meeting will be a working group meeting.

See y'all then.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 12:17 PM Raymond Toy <> wrote:

> It's time for our monthly CG meeting.
> Agenda:
>    - Rechartering
>    - V2 issues
>    - Low level audio access
>    - F2F meeting planning
>    - Any other business
> Meeting venue

Received on Thursday, 5 March 2020 20:26:50 UTC