Greetings all.
I am not sure how I missed this until now, but you are proposing that
ATAG 2.0 only applies to software and not web applications. Since
probably so much web content is itself generated through internet blogs
and intranet CMS, this seems like a fairly sizeable omission to me! I
have no doubt this issue has been run to the ground, so I would like to
get up to speed.
Is the rational for this decision documented someplace? I would like to
read up on this before submitted my two bits.
Thanks very much.
Bruce Bailey
Accessibility IT Specialist
U.S. Access Board
1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004-1111
202-272-0024 (voice)
202-272-0082 (TTY, shared)
202-272-0081 (Fax, shared) <>
Thank you for your questions concerning section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Section 508 authorizes the
Access Board to provide technical assistance to individuals and Federal
departments and agencies concerning the requirements of this section.
This technical assistance is intended solely as informal guidance and is
not a determination of the legal rights or responsibilities of entities
subject to section 508.