Qualifier "[For the authoring tool user interface]"

I think that readability would be improved if this qualifier was put at
the end. When reading the document sequentially it is clear which section
each guideline applies to. Screen reader users can discern this from the
letter A or B in the guideline reference.

It seems strange that there is no qualifier for the part B guidelines.

I agree with Greg that parentheses would be more appropriate [1], although
for style reasons.

For example, rather than
"Guideline A.3.6: [For the authoring tool user interface] Manage
preference settings."
"Guideline A.3.6: Manage preference settings (for the authoring tool user
or even simply
"Guideline A.3.6: Manage preference settings."

Alan Chuter,
Accessibility and User Experience Department,
Technosite - Fundosa group (ONCE Foundation),
Tel: 91 121 03 30
E-mail: achuter@technosite.es


Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2010 17:21:06 UTC